Autumn Basking Shark Research

From GBP
- Duration: 4 Days (approx.)
- Location: Inverness, Highland
- Product code: MRY25
4 Day Itinerary
During this period we are running focussed research to observe the sharks and gain information on this stage of their migration.
Guests on these trips can be involved in our southerly migration study with the primary goals as follows:
- Microplastic study
- Study the abundance of southerly basking shark population
- Record location, time, size, sex and behaviour of southerly basking sharks along with environmental factors (e.g. sea temperature, visibility, tides, weather)
- Record images and videos of sharks for entry into shark ID catalogue
- Analyse zooplankton samples from feeding and non-feeding areas
- Analyse zooplankton samples for plastic to assess ingestion risk
- Gain genetic skin samples
- Record cetacean sightings data (e.g porpoises/dolphin/whale)